1917 Movie Review By Ryan Balkwill (Spoiler Alert)

Directed by Sam Mendes

Produced by Sam Mendes, Pippa Harris, Jayne-Ann Tenggren, Callum McDougall & Brian Oliver.

Written by Sam Mendes, Krysty Wilson-Cairns

Starring: George MacKay, Dean-Charles Chapman, Mark Strong, Andrew Scott, Richard Madden, Claire Duburcq, Colin Firth & Benedict Cumberbatch.

Plot: During World War I, two British soldiers — Lance Cpl. Schofield and Lance Cpl. Blake — receive seemingly impossible orders. In a race against time, they must cross over into enemy territory to deliver a message that could potentially save 1,600 of their fellow comrades — including Blake’s own brother.

I didn’t know what to expect from this new War film before I went to watch it at the cinema today.

I like this one.

Pros: The atmosphere upon this movie was oppressive, The acting from the brothers was good to watch & that solider went through war to accomplish your mission.

Cons: At times in the 2nd act a lot of scenes do drag on a lot, a lot big-name actors like Mark Strong, Colin Firth & Benedict Cumberbatch didn’t get enough of screen-time each & the pacing can slow at times.

Casts & Characters:

I recommend this film to all of those who love WAR Movies.

Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars – Flixster/Rotten Tomatoes

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