WWE Wrestling Presents NXT Takeover (2014) Results by Ryan Balkwill

Brand(s): NXT

Image result for nxt

Date: May 29, 2014

Venue: Full Sail University

City: Winter Park, Florida


Image result for wwe nxt takeover 2014 matches                                                                                Singles match:                                                                                                                                      Adam Rose Image result for adam rose wwe vs Camacho. Image result for camacho wwe                                                                                  Winner: Adam Rose                                                                                                                          Rating: Descent

Image result for wwe nxt takeover 2014 gif Image result for wwe nxt takeover 2014 gif

Image result for wwe nxt takeover 2014 matches    Tag team match for the NXT Tag Team Championship:  Image result for nxt tag team championship                                                                          The Ascension (Konnor and Viktor) (c) Image result for nxt tag team championship vs El Local and Kalisto. Image result for El Local and Kalisto                                                                                                  Winner: The Ascension retains their NXT Tag Team Championship.                                        Rating: Meh

Singles match to determine the #1 contender to the NXT Championship:                              Tyler Breeze Image result for tyler breeze 2014 vs Sami Zayn. Image result for sami zayn png                                                                        Winner: Tyler Breeze became the #1 contender to the NXT Championship                          Rating: Great

Image result for wwe nxt takeover 2014Singles match for the vacant NXT Women’s Championship: Image result for nxt women's championship old                                      Charlotte (with Ric Flair) Image result for charlotte flair ric flair vs Natalya (with Bret Hart). Image result for natalya bret hart            Winner: Charlotte became the new NXT Women’s Championship.                                      Rating: excellent

Image result for wwe nxt women's championship tournament Image result for wwe nxt takeover 2014 gif Image result for wwe nxt takeover 2014 gif Image result for wwe nxt takeover 2014 gif Image result for wwe nxt takeover 2014 gif

Main Event:

Image result for wwe nxt takeover 2014 matches                                                                     Singles match for the NXT Championship:                                 Image result for nxt championship                                                                                    Adrian Neville (c) Image result for wwe adrian neville vs Tyson Kidd.  Image result for tyson kidd nxt                                                                Winner: Adrian Neville retains the NXT Championship.                                                        Rating: Very Good

Image result for wwe tyson kidd Image result for wwe nxt takeover 2014 gif  Image result for wwe tyson kidd

Overall Show Grade: B+

Ups: Tyler Breeze vs Sami Zayn, Charlotte vs Natalya & Adrian Neville vs Tyson Kidd.

Downs: Adam Rose vs Camacho & The Ascension vs El Local and Kalisto.

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